Planning and Preparing a Pitch P3: U21, M2: U21

LO2 (Unit 21) - Be able to create a proposal and pitch for an original media product based on a given brief
(P3: U21,  M2: U21)

The original pitch I did was a practice so that I could gain feedback from my peers and my second pitch was my final pitch.

Original Presentation

Practice pitch


  • Age bracket for the magazine is too large
  • 16 and 25 year olds have different interests 
  • Change secondary age group as 40 year olds don't go to festivals
  • Effective swot analysis
  • Make it more clear how it will cost a lot to make magazine, but cheap to buy the magazine for customers


- The feedback I got allowed me to be able to make amendments in order to improve my presentation. The amendments I made have been made due to the comments and fireback I got from my original pitch.

  • Added information about magazine on the about reveal slide about the cost of the magazine, the size of the magazine and how often the magazine will be released.
  • Added social media marketing method on marketing methods slide
  • Added a strength of the magazine on the strengths and weaknesses slide
  • Added a legal and ethical issues slide to the powerpoint

Potential client questions

What celebrities will be interviewed in the magazine?

It will be North London based singers that will be interviewed due to the fact that it makes more sense for it to be North London celebrities as the festival magazine I am creating is North London based, so the consumers of my magazine will therefore be more familiar and interested in celebrities in their own area.

Are there any subscription deals?

Subscription deals will be introduced once the magazines starts to become more well known and popular, for now there are not any subscription deals but it is definitely something that will be introduced in the future.

Why have you chosen this target audience?

I have chosen this target audience because it is this age group that attend festivals more then any other age group, meaning this age group will be more interested in a festival themed magazine. As well this, the celebrities featured in the magazine have a fan base mainly made up of people of this age group too meaning this age group will be more interested in reading about these celebrities in my magazine.

How do you intend on using social media to market/promote your magazine?

I intend on posting images, writing posts and replying and communicating with customers to help promote the magazine. The social media pages I will be doing this on is Twitter and Instagram as I believe these are popular social media pages where promotional ideas will be seen by people the most.
Are you going to write reviews on different festivals in North London?

Yes, there will be a section in the magazine that features different reviews on different festivals in North London. I will be doing this because I know that a lot of people that purchase the magazine will want to know which festivals are good and which aren't so good so they know which ones to attend.

Are you aiming for your magazine to become global?

In the future this will be an aim, however currently the main aim is to achieve enough sales in the North London area to be able to make a profit, as the magazine is currently North London based. In order for my magazine to become global I would have to make changes, for example changing the celebrity focus so that it isn't just focused on just North London celebrities

Are you going to make your magazine interactive (the use of QR codes?)

I will not be doing this because I do not believe it is necessary to include this and I believe it is more important to focus on what is necessary to ensure my magazine is a success so that I can achieve many sales of my magazine in order to achieve as many sales as possible in order to try and make a profit.

Improved presentation (amendments highlighted)
