Planning and Preparing a Pitch P3: U21, M2: U21
LO2 (Unit 21) - Be able to create a proposal and pitch for an original media product based on a given brief (P3: U21, M2: U21) The original pitch I did was a practice so that I could gain feedback from my peers and my second pitch was my final pitch. Original Presentation Reveal magazine presentation new from Benji Radnor Practice pitch Feedback Age bracket for the magazine is too large 16 and 25 year olds have different interests Change secondary age group as 40 year olds don't go to festivals Effective swot analysis Make it more clear how it will cost a lot to make magazine, but cheap to buy the magazine for customers Amendments - The feedback I got allowed me to be able to make amendments in order to improve my presentation. The amendments I made have been made due to the comments and fireback I got from my original pitch. Added information about magazine on the about reveal slide about the cost of the magazine,...