Post-production techniques and processes P5 (U3) and Meeting the client brief P5, M4, D1 (U3)
Learning Outcome 4 (U3): Be able to carry out post-production techniques and processes for an original media product to a client brief. This is my finalised front cover which was made on photoshop. I have had to use post production techniques during the creation of this. I have edited the background so that the main model stands out more This is my double page spread. it features an interview with the artist who features on the front cover of my magazine. Both have been exported as JPEGS. Review of suitability P5 (M3) Front cover strengths and how they link to your target audience The vibrant colours used in the front cover are one of its main strengths in my opinion, and this links to my target audience because my target audience are young adults and many young adults are quite vibrant and so will be instantly attracted to my magazine front cover because of this. Another strength of the front cover is that in the...